And Okinawa was soba. It must be because of their Soki Soba!2 (laughs)
It was truly a work that connected globally.
The reason we had the Everybody Votes Channel start on February 14th, which fell on a Thursday, was so that if you cast your vote on Thursday, you can see the first National Poll results on Friday the 15th. Then on Saturday the 16th, you can see the results of the first Worldwide Poll, and on Sunday the 17th, you can see the second National Poll results. We wanted to make it so the users could look at their results on the 15th, 16th, and the 17th. We made a proposal to Iwata-san asking if we could have the Channel begin on the 14th.
This story is going to be about (Shigeru) Miyamoto-san. Miyamoto-san's wife rarely played video games. When the Internet Channel started, although she was wondering "It's strange, Wii's glowing blue", she didn't do anything about it and waited for Miyamoto-san to come home. Miyamoto-san then showed her how to download the Internet Channel. He told her the pulsing blue light was letting you know that you have received a message from Nintendo. And then on February 14th when the Everybody Votes Channel was released, by the time Miyamoto-san arrived home, his wife didn't just already download the new Channel, but she even voted! (laughs)
1. Udon and Soba are two popular noodles in Japan. Udon is wheat-based, and soba is made of buckwheat.
2. Soki Soba is a traditional noodle popular in Okinawa, Japan's southernmost prefecture. Made of wheat, the soba is technically a type of udon, but the people in Okinawa voted for "soba" because that is the way the noodle has been called over the generations. The soki is pork spare ribs, placed on the soba when it is served.