In that way, it has the same roots with the News Channel.
As a result, in the US and European versions, the current weather information is the first thing that appears when you start the Forecast Channel. |
There were also types of weather that are not found in Japan. I felt that it was not possible to make the icons universal, so we made two sets of icons, one set for Japan, and another set for overseas. |
There was also one for haze. |
What was memorable was the thunderstorm icon requested by NOA (Nintendo of America). It's a storm that's accompanied with thunder, which was a little hard for us to understand because here in Japan, we don't see the weather where it's only thunder. Thunders are usually mentioned in addition to when it rains, as if it's going to rain with occasional thunders. So I didn't think a weather icon just for thunder was necessary, but it seemed like a thunderstorm was different from a regular thunder, and as I was wondering what the difference was, they kept insisting that it was very important for this to go in. |
We also received suggestions that you should be able to register one or two more places besides where you live.
1. Clocks are displayed by Japanese TV stations during morning hours. The clock is displayed 24/7 in the Japanese version of the Forecast Channel, so the Channel has a closer feel to a Japanese TV weather show.
2. Laundry Index lets you know how appropriate it is to dry your clothes outside that day.
3. Kanji characters can be read two ways, for example, the kanji for "water" can be read as "mizu" or "sui". Interpreting how a kanji is supposed to be read for a name is very difficult. |