My name is Nakajima and I‘m also from the EAD. I handled the software programming.
Which was roughly one year ago.
Which meant that we were coming up with some pretty far-fetched ideas one after another. (laughs) Sometimes, we thought that the server was this magical chest that could transform anything we imagined into something real and tangible.
There were times when Yamashita-san would grow discouraged and ask whether or not we thought the project had gone off track! (laughs)
Once services went live, however, we saw one user, then two…and then more and more as the night progressed. In just one night, there was a host of users, reminding me just how great the Internet can be.
When we took a look under the hood, however, we were surprised to find that approximately forty percent had posted their own Miis.
I probably shouldn‘t say so since it was my own creation, but she was a tough competitor! (laughs) Personally, I tried to design a Mii that had no chance of becoming popular and was at a loss when my she became such a hit! (laughs)
Which is why it‘s so much fun to check out the Popular section and see what kind of Miis are being posted. During the planning stages of the project, we had decided to refresh entries every seven days. Because of feedback indicating this was too long to wait, however, we decided to change the interval to three days just before the service went live.
There are times where you‘re not able to figure out the country name just by looking at the flag. So we made it possible to see the country‘s name by placing the cursor over the flag. With this feature, you can quiz yourself on your Geography knowledge! (laughs) There are several users, however, that wonder how it‘s possible to use the Call Friends option to call up other Miis when only their initials are displayed.
Think of it as a large bingo machine. The machine spits out ten balls, or Miis, at random, and these Miis are sent to those users that are interested in judging. The probability that a Mii will be viewed for judging is equal and the collective consensus* determines which Miis deserve distinction.
*Collective consensus: Mass participation and exchanges of opinion eventually create a representative consensus.
Personally, I‘ve collected a host of Miis from the Posting Plaza and my Mii Channel has become a pretty exciting place…bringing a new feel to games like Baseball in Wii Sports. Increasing the number of Miis also makes games like Wii Play and Wii Fit even more interesting.